#1.4: Edward Sumner on Seattle's Dark Secret: Sex Trafficking

In many ways Seattle is experiencing unprecedented prosperity. But in the dark corners of the city a tragic epidemic rages that no one wants to discuss and that is sex trafficking. According to the Department of Justice Seattle is considered one of the worst cities in the U.S for sex trafficking. While Washington led the nation to criminalize human trafficking it remains a hot bed for the trade.

A local organization, REST (Real Escape From the Sex Trade) was founded in 2009 to offer freedom, safety and hope for victims of sex trafficking and those involved in the trade.  Join us as we sit down with REST Director of Development, Edward Sumner to learn more about what REST is doing to contribute towards the solution.

We at Rise Seattle, envision a community that is free from commercial sexual exploitation. Listen, to the podcast, learn about the problem and join our partnership with REST as they strive to provide pathways of freedom, safety and hope for victims of sex trafficking and people involved in the sex trade.