Sarah Adler: Simply Real Health in Seattle

The Basics on Sarah and Simply Real Health

In 2012 Seattle native Sarah Adler created the company Simply Real Health with a mission to help more people live a healthy lifestyle.  Sarah’s goal is to help people identify what healthy food is and to help them apply it to their daily lifestyle. Through her programs and services Sarah teaches a simple approach to a healthy life with chocolate, happy hour, eating out and all the fun parts of life included.

Sarah is also the author of the bestselling health cookbook Simply Real Health. She’s a nutrition coach, health lifestyle expert, food blogger and real food lover.  In this episode Sarah shares a few simple tips on how to eat healthy, her favorite recipes and how to make a healthy cocktail. At the end learn how you can win $340 dollars worth of Simply Real Health services on us.

Can you tell us a little about your background?

I grew up in Issaquah and now live in Queen Anne.  I have traveled a lot. For a few months I thought about moving somewhere else because of the weather. I got over that feeling and I’m glad I didn’t move.

Tell us what Simply Real Health does and what you guys are about.

I had always been in the health and nutrition industry. I started noticing that people were really confused about healthy eating because there’s so much conflicting information. I started my business because I wanted to teach people a way to think about healthy eating that’s really simple, clear and more fun than having to think in terms of a certain diet plan.

Can you unpack what healthy means?

Healthy means real food. Real food is food that has existed since the beginning of time in the same capacity that it does now. I always compare it to the show and book Little House on the Prairie. A lot of food the pioneers were eating exists now and it’s still the most pure and most natural type of food we have.  Real food is food you can either describe in one word or has a simple ingredient list even a seven year old would recognize.  It’s not complicated, chemical sounding or made in a lab. It’s very simple.

How do people know they are healthy if they don’t step on a scale?

The number one thing people say they notice is more energy. With energy comes mood and then better sleep and more awesome things.  Real food is nutrient dense, meaning per bite you’re getting more nutrition than anything else out there. When your nutrient load goes up in your body you need less food over all, you’re not hungry, you don’t crash and you feel more stable, calm and clear.

Can you share some healthy eating tips?

It’s true what they say there is real food around the perimeter of the store. But there is real food in the middle of the aisles too. You just need to have that filter in place: is this real food or not? Do I recognize the ingredients or not?

At there is a grocery store map on PDF that you can download for free. It gives you ideas on all the different things that are considered real food at any grocery store.

Sarah’s Healthy Margarita Recipe

1 shot of Tequila

1 quarter glass of club soda

1 lime

½ to 1 shot of Cointreau

Recipe Blog

Every Thursday Sarah writes a blog with a new recipe that is not in the cookbook.  She also has a PDF of her top five healthy recipes and a three day sample meal plan. All of this is on the website.

Coaching Program

Sarah runs a group program three times a year. One on one coaching takes place at the client’s home or over Skype. They talk about every aspect of the client’s life, what’s working and what has stopped them. She provides them different solutions, tools, tips and ideas. They can text when they have question about things like eating in a restaurant or traveling. The program lasts from six weeks up to three months. She only takes ten clients at a time but there is a waiting list people can get on.

Food Academy

Simply Real Health Food Academy is a three week online course that people can do at their own pace. It teaches them the basics but also the details of everything you need to know about real food in real life. There’s a podcast, downloads, assignments every week and a group forum where people can help each other. The three week program is $297.

If you enjoyed today’s episode you can find Sarah’s book Simply Real Health on Amazon or at her website While you’re there you will see helpful videos, recipes, a blog and many more resources.

It’s giveaway time, at Rise Seattle. We love what Sarah and Simply Real Health are all about so we would love to give away some of her resources to one of our listeners. We’re giving away one membership to her brand new Simply Real Health Food Academy and a copy of her bestselling cookbook Simply Real Health for a total value of $340. To enter head on over to the Simply Real Health Inc Facebook page and share her post about this episode and the giveaway. You can find the giveaway and episode link at